News Team iH8sn0w : Mac Version of f0recast

iH8sn0w announces through his twitter that they work on a new version of the software iReb for the users PC and MAC. It seems that this new version will allow you for the last models 3GS and iPT3G to recover its file shsh and to store them on its computer and thus the software will make it possible to restore towards an old Firmware or Custom with its own waiter local that the software will help you to create! Concern also the people having already to record their file shsh at saurik.

Wait and see…


Repeating Memory 3.5.4

Repeating Memory Free is a tweak of saltinbas.
This tweak (beta version) will permit you to close the applications mail, Safari and iPod when you leave them and then to free memory when you close one application.
With this tweak, "Free up memory" of SBSetting becomes useless !

Notes :
Be sure to have installed : Cycript, bash, adv-cmds, coreutils-bin, coreutils packages, erica utilities, webviewcontroller and preference loader.
Uninstall any old version before and reboot after installation.

ChangeLog :
- Numeric WiFi strenght option added.
- Percentage battery level added.
- Memory info added to time area.

Unduh disini Repeating Memory 3.5.4

PanicRoom 1.1

PanicRoom is a paying application from BigBoss on Cydia (0,99$).
It can clear all your personal needs, such as: SMS/MMS, Every Email Account, All Phone Logs (missed, answered, dialed), All Photos, Safari History, and Visual Voicemail. All Items get permentially deleted and cannot be restored from the phone. You must sync with iTunes to return all your information to the state it was at. Users have a choice to do one out of the six methods, or the user can hit the Panic "Remove All" button to quickly remove each item that you picked from: sms/mms, emails, phone logs, all photos, safari history, and visual voicemail. If clearing all your information isn't that approach your looking for, well how about a "Panic Button". The Panic Button places a black screen on top of every single application, disables the home button, and allows the sleep button to only sleep. You can also disable the function of the lock slider (slide to unlock) on the lock screen.

All will be deleted without any way to restore with your iPhone.
Only a restore via iTunes permits to recover all your deleted datas.
Required Activator.
The application can be started since the Locksceen.

Unduh disini PanicRoom 1.1 cracked
Versi 1.31 [new]